Monday, March 19, 2007

Introducing the BNWLA Blog

Welcome to the BNWLA Hostel Appeal Blog. In these posts I'll be updating you on what's been achieved, what's in the pipeline, and what ideas might be worth pursuing for fundraising in different parts of the world. Please make this one of your favourites, and please offer comments and contributions of your own.

The good news is that this initial week of the campaign has raised over £800, amongst other succcesses. A member of the Bangladeshi Human Rights Pressure Group Drishtipat produced a wonderful logo, free of charge, now on display here on the blog and on the Appeal website at

In addition to launching the website, I commissioned an excellent local photographer to do a whole series of pictures of the survivors: both portraits and action shots from classrooms and training rooms. I'll be displaying these soon here on the blog. They will also be used in our brochure, which will be used largely to sell our cause to some of the bigger donors, so that we can follow up initial phone calls with professional-looking literature. It was free to produce, and inexpensive to print.

The musical side of fundraising is looking very promising. Entertaining people with sax and piano rather than a begging bowl. Quid pro quo. Watch this space on that one.

So it's been quite a week, and has generated a lot of momentum and offers of support. One idea that stands out already is trying to get Tesco to make a contribution. They have a lot of interest in Bangladesh as they source many of their cheap clothes here. They have grand statements on their own site about corporate responsiblity and child labour. I will soon put together a proposal to send to them. Does anyone have experience of that kind of approach to big retailers?

All for now. Past midnight. Tune in again soon.

1 comment:

Asif said...

Congrats...this is a great start. This blog has now been linked from the main page in dp blog.